I have recently moved this Jekyll blog from GitHub Pages to Cloudflare Pages. Here is how I prepared a smooth migration (trying not to break things along the way).

# Post outline

# Cloudflare Pages

I like GitHub Pages! They make it easy to spin up Jekyll websites. GitHub Actions, then, provide additional space for customization, if one needs to. But simplicity comes with constraints, too.

In my case, I wanted to add privacy-preserving (and GDPR-compliant) analytics to the blog. GitHub doesn’t provide analytics for pages. Plausible would be a good alternative, but the little traffic on this blog doesn’t justify their paid plans; the self-hosted option instead requires spinning up an instance, securing it, maintaining it, and so on. Not ideal.

That’s when I thought about Cloudflare Pages – their option to serve static content.

Being integrated into Cloudflare, Pages can measure privacy-preserving analytics that don’t rely on client state and don’t require adding the most-hated-banner of the web: “Allow Cookies?”. Also, I have used Cloudflare to manage DNSs before. If I ever move this to a custom domain, it would be good to have everything it one place1.

So, Cloudflare Pages.

# Setting things up

Setting things up was smooth. Their docs will guide you to create the Pages project, provide access to the GitHub repository2, and test the deployment the *.pages.dev domain assigned to the project. So far, so good.

Any trouble? When setting up the deployment, I experimented with their “Access Policy”, that gates who can see pre-deployed versions of the website. Thing is, once enabled there’s no way to disable it through the interface without onboarding to their “Zero Trust” product. Luckily, we can go the API-based approach.

Having disabled “Access Policy” and tested the deployment we now have two versions of the website, respectively served by GitHub and Cloudflare, on two different domains (aldur.github.io and aldur.pages.dev).

How do we migrate users from the old domain to the new one?

# Preparing

Let’s establish our migration goals:

  • We want links pointing to existing resources on GitHub to redirect to the same resource, on Cloudflare. No generic redirects to the root of the new domain that leave the users to find again their destination.
  • We also want previous users to remain up-to-date. For that, we need to tell “browser users” that the blog has moved and notify somehow RSS users too.

I talk about users as if there is a crowd reading this blog. I should probably be using a singular form:

Hello mom! 👋

What constraints do we have?

  • The ideal solution would be responding with a 302 status code. But GitHub doesn’t provide dynamic HTTP redirects.
  • We’ll have to engineer this through what we have: static files, HTML and JavaScript (this one if we really need to, as that breaks bots, SEO, etc.).

OK, what’s the plan then? We will take the matter into our hands!

# HTML pages

All HTML pages at GitHub will redirect to their corresponding page at Cloudflare by using <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=https://aldur.pages.dev/[destination]"> and <link rel="canonical" href="https://aldur.pages.dev/[destination]">. This informs search-engine bots of the redirect and lets us display an informative page to the user. There are less than a dozen pages in total. It takes less to write the HTML code by hand than to script it – but a Jekyll plugin could do that automatically.

This blog has moved, about page What the result looks like for our about page – try clicking on the link yourself.

# The RSS feed

The RSS feed needs special treatment. If someone consumes this blog only through the feed, they’ll need to manually edit the feed URI to get new posts, and we want to notify them. We will create a static new RSS entry that points to the new website.

This blog has migrated, RSS entry The RSS feed entry showing the notification.

This handy website lets you validate the static RSS feed to prevent mistakes.

# Anything else?

For sure! Static assets, uploads, and so on. Short of continuing to serve their original version, there’s not much we can do. They are not HTML files, and we can’t redirect a webp image without dynamic HTTP redirects. Still, there’s little chance of someone visiting/requesting static assets from the old domain.

This time is OK to compromise. We can use a little JavaScript to:

  • Inform the user of what’s happening.
  • Do our best to redirect them to the right place.

Bonus: If we use a 404.html file it will also catch and redirect requests to resources that didn’t exist on the old website – or anything we missed during the migration. The downside, if you are asking, is that the JavaScript approach doesn’t work with curl, bots, and so on.

You can try the resulting feel here.

pages through http-equiv, a custom RSS entry, and JavaScript for anything else The redirection plan completed.

# Green-light: Migrate!

With all things ready, we can reconfigure our GitHub repository to deploy GitHub Pages from a specific branch (redirect_to_cloudflare in my case). After pushing our static code there, traffic will migrate to Cloudflare.

The source code is here.

It is also a good idea to stop ourselves from deleting the branch by mistake: GitHub allows setting branch protection rules and denoting branches as read-only. That should do it.

If you are reading this, it means the migration worked 🎉.

# Did we break anything?

So far, I only spotted one difference. Cloudflare’s RSS feed doesn’t include the full URI (including the pages.dev domain), but only relative URLs. That’s because the jekyll-feed plugin relies on site.url or site.github.url (if deployed on GitHub) – both missing in my case.

Our RSS validator complains – and rightly so:

id must be a full and valid URL: /feed.xml

Interestingly, this doesn’t break my RSS reader.

To fix this we add a Cloudflare-specific configuration file and instruct Cloudflare Pages to use it while building the site (jekyll build --config _config.yml,cloudflare_pages._config.yml in “Build configuration”).

This fix works for the production-version of the website. Unfortunately, Cloudflare doesn’t let specifying different build configs for production and preview.

After applying the fix, the RSS feeds of deployment previews will point to the production URL, instead of the preview. Leaving the issue unfixed would not introduce this issue, because the relative URL would resolve to the correct domain.

# Wrapping up

Migrations of live environments need careful handling. They are usually not hard, but can get complicated.

In this case, the constraints of GitHub pages also required some hacks innovative solutions. But also the risk was low – because of the very little legacy we have.

Looking back, the outcome was good. We now have analytics (and rollbacks!) in place, the UX of the migration feels good enough, and there’s room for more goodies and growth if the occasion comes (e.g., a custom domain or the addition of web workers). Also, if the need for a migration arises again, Cloudflare will provide better flexibility: HTTP redirects and headers.

# Footnotes

  1. There are downsides too, of course, as this centralizes the Web and adds a “single point of censorship”. But that’s something for another post. 

  2. By default, Cloudflare integrates with GitHub to automatically deploy new versions on push to the repository (even on non-production branches to test changes).

    I find it nice, but 1. Cloudflare needs to know how to build the website; and 2. has full access to the sources.

    None of these points is an issue for me (the source is public, after all, and Jekyll builds are well-supported). But on the first sign of trouble, I would switch to pushing the assets to Cloudflare through GitHub actions for more control.Â